Garden Party Review 2014

The Garden Party 2014 kicked off a series of summer events organized by CUHKCAS, and is also the first occasion where we collaborated with the Chinese Society this year. Added to the fact that the party was meant to celebrate the end of exams and be a farewell get-together for leavers, CAS and Chisoc were determined to make the event an unforgettable one.

Despite relatively dismal grey skies on June 18th, everyone gathered at Robinson College for food, drinks and entertainment by Kelvin Yeung and Simon Au, resident musicians. Chisoc President Christopher was the bartender, and wowed the crowds with drinks like “Lola Queen” and “Tripos Frui-getter” especially designed for the occasion. CAS was more involved in food production, and there was homemade guacamole, smoked salmon on crackers and even deceptively simple (but delicious) 牛油果占包 (bread with butter and jam).

All leavers also received a mug with a design of the Cambridge crest intertwined with a depiction of the River Cam. We hope everyone had a good time, and that all leavers had a fond memory of their last Chisoc x CUHKCAS Garden Party!


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