Outspoken Economics Professor Expelled by Peking University

Peking University, an elite Chinese university, has decided to expel an outspoken economics professor Xia Yeliang, and advocate of free speech and the rule of law.

In recent years, Xia has been a vocal advocate for democracy. In 2008, he helped draft Charter 08, a bold call for changes to China’s one-party political system, which resulted in the imprisonment of Liu Xiaobo, its main drafter.

Moreover, in 2009, Xia wrote an open letter addressed to a senior Chinese leader, criticising him for imposing tight controls on expression.

“I am angry inside, but I must face it with composure,” said Xia, who has taught at the university for more than 13 years.

Xia said school officials who notified him about the decision insisted that the dismissal was nonpolitical, although they also told him that the support he had received in the past few months did not do him any good. He was informed that the faculty committee – which had earlier approved of his academic performance – was not pleased with remarks he made against the university. However, critics say the move underscores the Communist Party’s intolerance for discussion of democratic values as it believes this would threaten its legitimacy.

Xia’s expulsion comes as China’s recently installed leadership has further tightened controls on public discourse, arresting popular bloggers and activists who have called for anti-corruption measures. Communist Party authorities reportedly barred certain topics from class discussions, including press freedom, civil society and judicial independence.

Overseas, Xia has gained support among academia. A group of Wellesley professors had signed an open letter urging the school to reconsider an academic partnership with Peking University, pushing a Chinese university to hold up the principle of academic freedom at a time when educational partnerships between the two countries are proliferating.

An open letter from the Committee of Concerned Scientists also urged Peking University’s president to prevent a vote by the faculty that would punish Professor Xia for his opinions, and deprive Peking University of his expertise.


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